The short film Studio Visit with Kaet Ensemble is available to watch at the top of the page.
Based in Jerusalem, the Kaet Ensemble is a distinctive contemporary Jewish dance company that masterfully blends Jewish heritage with modern culture through a unique expression of dance and spirituality. This all-male ensemble, comprised of yeshiva graduates, delves into the exploration of the body and Jewish prayer, manifesting their spiritual beliefs through their graceful and powerful dance performances.
Identifying as Neo-Hasidic, the ensemble members uphold the philosophy that physical expression is an integral component of profound prayer. Under the guidance of their artistic director, Ronen Itzhaki, they have developed a safe and nurturing studio environment in Jerusalem. Here, they challenge traditional notions of Israeli masculinity, exploring themes ranging from the military and sports to games and prompting discussions around the concept of gentle masculinity.
The Kaet Ensemble strives to embody the notion of “holy flesh,” as articulated by Rabbi Kook, in their performances, aspiring to unify the physical and spiritual realms. In the accompanying video, they welcome viewers into their rehearsal room, offering a glimpse into their unique and inspiring interpretation of spirituality interwoven with dance.
Through their innovative approach, the Kaet Ensemble is redefining perceptions of Jewish heritage and spirituality. Their work appeals to a broad audience, from contemporary dance enthusiasts to individuals intrigued by Jewish culture and spiritual exploration.
The featured video Studio Visit with Kaet Ensemble is part of the web series Yotsrim by Shachaf Dekel. Yotsrim includes five seasons and 73 episodes. The series won the Best Documentary award at the NYC Web Fest in 2019.